Congratulations, you're a Mother!
You're embarking on a very beautiful - though challenging - chapter of your life. You'll experience a love deeper than any you've ever known, and learn to function with less than a bare minimum of sleep.
You might be too ill to eat anything your body doesn't immediately (and forcefully!) reject - or you might be overcome with an insatiable craving for something that would raise the eyebrows of others. The thing is, everyone is different and there are a lot of unknowns. We want to share a few tips and a bit of information on how to navigate this time well!
One of the many challenges of carrying a child is how to dress. T-shirts, sweaters, dresses, basics - you get the idea! Style is fun and we want to help you stock your closet with items you love! You may be a Very Tiny Mother whose belly becomes visible almost immediately (she's 5'3" and barely over a hundred pounds).
On the other hand, you may be a Well-Rounded Mother whose shape doesn't become apparent until you are well into your second trimester.
Either way, you must dress yourself (and your Baby Bump) every single day!
So, when is the proper time to start wearing maternity clothes?
The answer is quick and easy: when it's time.
This may sound flippant, but it's really quite simple. If you are uncomfortable in your clothes because they feel restrictive, it may be time to consider maternity clothes.
If you are still pretty comfortable and your clothing doesn't pull across your tummy, you've got a bit more time before changing your wardrobe.
Growth through your pregnancies will differ and the important part is dressing for right now - not based on your last pregnancy or where you feel you should be.
Don't delay too long, however; it's easy to think that 'just another week' cannot make much difference, but that is a slippery slope! Have you ever heard a Mother comment about how she feels like a "beached whale" or "big as a barn"? It will be hard to feel less than "big" if your clothing is too tight!
Be it your jeans or pants (or leggings!), dresses or tops, you aren't going to want to reach for them if you aren't comfortable in them!
Comfort is essential in your maternity wardrobe.
Don't be afraid to go up a size when you need to - if you are discouraged by the number on the tag (which, by the way, is JUST a number). It's not unusual for one brand to vary as much as two sizes bigger or smaller than another brand!) then simply cut the tag out. Take your scissors and *snip-snip-snip*.
Then only reflect on how well the garment fits you and how perfectly it suits your current needs. Some women decline to "graduate" to larger sizes as they near the end of their pregnancy. "I'm only going to need it for another month, what's the point?" This, I feel, is a mistake!
The closer you are to delivering your Bundle of Joy, the more likely you are to experience some level of discomfort. Think about it - if you're uncomfortable because your body is making drastic changes and preparing to deliver your baby, wouldn't it compound your discomfort if your clothing during your last month of pregnancy was simply too tight?
Ill-fitting clothing is an irritation in the best and easiest of times; don't torture your pregnant self with unnecessary aggravation! Remember, once you've got that Sweet Baby in your arms, your body will take some time to recover!
Maternity styles that you enjoyed in the earlier stages of pregnancy will have another opportunity to shine as they will be soft, flattering, and comfortable.
Take special note as you are shopping, many maternity styles are also nursing-friendly so that they are useful staples on both ends of your pregnancy!
Always remember this: Your body is beautifully constructed to carry and nurture your Baby - and if you are a happy and peaceful Mother, your Baby Dear will be much more likely to be a happy and peaceful Baby.
Be comfortable and wear clothes appropriate to your current stage - a comfortable Mommy is always much happier than a Mommy that is constantly pinched and squeezed by unfriendly clothing.
Be comfy. Be happy. Enjoy your Baby.