Congratulations on your little one! This is truly a special time and we want to help you look your best! Cute clothing can be challenging to find at the best of times, but what about now as your body is growing this precious new life? Here are a few tips to make choosing maternity clothes just a little simpler:
1. Be realistic. Perhaps you’ve never been into florals or off shoulder styles - now probably isn’t the time to settle for them. If you’ve always been partial to solid colors and classic styles, embrace it! The more comfortable you are in clothing, the more confident you will feel!
2. Do your research. Maybe you have a friend that seems to nail how to dress her bump – talk with her! Learn pros and cons, recommendations and what to avoid.
3. Be patient with yourself. As your body grows and your bump begins to show, don’t stress out. Consider finding styles that you like and sizing up a bit. Start with staple garments such as shorts and comfy tops and branch out from there. Little by little, piece by piece, you will put together a wardrobe that is both cute and comfy!
4. Buy along and along. Don’t try to buy your entire maternity wardrobe in your first month. Buy your garments along and along, making sure they fit and have just a bit of room for comfort.
5. Accessorize! Never underestimate the power of pretty accessories! As the saying goes, “not to brag, but I can wear the same earrings I wore in high school”, except apply it to your pregnancy! Necklaces, earrings, hats, cute bags, etc can still be worn to add interest and help you feel yourself!
6. Hair and makeup. We’re just going to throw this one in there – take a few minutes to “get ready” each day, whether or not you intend to go out. You’ll feel better and every time you pass a mirror it’s sure to make you smile! When you take care of the little things, like self care, the larger things have a way of falling into place. ♥
We hope these ideas have inspired you! Do you have a tip or two to share? We’d love to hear from you - leave a comment below.